F1GP-Ed Documentation
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This window contains a number of settings which allow you to customize the
way F1GP runs - mainly when you are fiddling about with the awfully slow
menus (I recommend Fast GUI).
Default Dir
This is the directory/volume that F1GP will use for save games, etc.
(default is DF0:)
Level Name
The text in that will appear in the middle level button on the "Race
Options" menu in F1GP.
(default is 1991 Levels)
Quick Race Laps
The number of laps to be run for a Quick Race.
(default is 3)
Qual Laps
The number of fast laps that can be completed on a single set of
qualifying tyres, before the pit light is switched on. This affects all
cars. Note that this doesn't affect the lastability of the tyres.
(default is 1)
Fast GUI
Makes the F1GP GUI a bit less sluggish by speeding up the fades,
responses and displaying unnecessary screens for less time.
(default is off)
Select Quick Race
Tell F1GP to ask you to select the circuit you wish to use for a Quick
(default is off)
Skip Startup Menu
After loading F1GP, go straight to the main menu after you have entered
the correct password (skips the Quick Race option).
(default is off)
Abandon Qualifying
Usually, when exiting qualifying mid-session you have to confirm that
you want to quit the session and start at the back of the grid. Enabling
this feature will remove that requester and F1GP will continue as if you
had clicked "Yes".
(default is off)
No Joystick Menus
Normally, the F1GP menu system reads the joystick port, to allow the
menus to be navigated using a joystick. However, if you have some other
device plugged into the joystick port (e.g. a dongle), then this can cause
problems. For example, when typing in the password at the start of the
game, letters appear in reverse order! Use this option to stop the menu
system reading the joystick port.
(default is off - joystick menus on)
Pit Light Off
Switches the pit light off automatically when crossing the start/finish
line in qualifying. Now you don't have to turn it off manually every time
you've done a flying lap and want to do another one. This does not affect
the computer driven cars.
(default is off - pit light on)
Nice Audio
Prevents sound output being interrupted everytime the menus fade in,
which means you can play a music module in the background without it being
(default is off)
File Filter
Preset the "Filter" button in F1GP file requesters.
(default is off)
Quick Exit
Removes the "EXIT TO DOS - Are you sure?" requester that usually appears
when you want to exit the game.
(default is off)
Quick Load/Save
Removes the 'GAME LOADED' style requesters that appear after
successfully loading/saving a game, lap records, car setups and names. Of
course, if the load/save fails, the error requester will still appear.
(default is off)
Tell F1GP to automatically select a specific language for the manual
password protection. This option has no effect on version B as that only
uses the English manual.
(default is Select as normal).
Change the timing according to whether you are running F1GP on a PAL or
NTSC system. The "Auto Detect" option will use the correct timing for PAL
and NTSC systems, so the game will always run at the correct speed. The
"Default" option use the standard F1GP timing routine. One example is for
owners of 68000 Amigas which are not accelerated - set this to "Default"
and switch your Amiga to NTSC mode, either via "Early Startup Control" or a
utility such as degrader and then F1GP should run a little bit faster. This
option has no effect if you've set the frame rate to > 8 fps.
The points to be awarded to the top 10 finishers in a championship
season. Valid points for places are in the range 1-49. Use the vertical
slider to tell F1GP how many of the first finishers will get points - this
effectively sets unused points to 0.
(default is 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.